Fast Code Plugin is a free eclipse plugin designed to help write code faster in Java and Php applications. In Java, it has some special features for applications that uses the well known Spring Framework.
Templates: The FastCode templates can be used to generate code snippets based on fields from arbitrary pojo class or class from any package or files in folder. For example: one can create instance of a class with multiple fields using the setter methods, print fields of a class using the getter methods, create resource bundle for the fields of a class, create instance of a java bean and populate the bean, etc.
Database Templates: The templates are also available with database tables. It extends eclipse code templates mechanism by being able to generate database code snippets with multiple columns. This kind of snippets are needed in various scenerios. For example: create sql statements, with Named paramenter, Named query or just a simple query, create a row mapper class, etc. This plugin provides a very intuitive interface by allowing the user select a table and then select the columns from that table.